What Is Ford Employee Discount Called?

Companies offer employee discounts to allow them to save money on their products and services. But have you ever questioned how such schemes operate or what savings they provide? This in-depth guide will explore the Ford Motor Company’s employee discount programme from top to bottom, giving you all the information you need.

Corporations use employee discounts as a way of compensating their workforce for their hard work and effort. These benefits can cover a wide range of goods and services, from travel and electronics to company-made items like cars (in this case Ford). The exact discounts differ between companies, depending on their policies.

What Is Ford Employee Discount Called?

Ford Motor Company – Innovative Since 1903

Ford is a name that is synonymous with vehicles. Established in 1903, this American car manufacturer has always been at the forefront of automotive design and technology. However, apart from producing great cars, there is something else that sets Ford apart from its competitors; it’s called‘employee appreciation’. Let’s learn more about What Is Ford Employee Discount Called?

What Is Ford Employee Discount Called?

The organization understands the importance of its employees and provides them with an extensive benefits package which includes coveted staff discounts. Let us look deeper into this program by examining its mechanics and potential savings.

What Is It? A/X/Z Plans Explained

Now let’s get down to business! The ford employee discount program consists of three main plans – A-Plan, X-Plan & Z- Plan; each catering for different groups with various levels of benefits offered.

  • The A-Plan: This special scheme is for current & retired salaried as well as hourly paid workers at ford including surviving spouses whose partners died while working at ford. Under this plan one gets maximum discounts usually close to dealer invoice price on new ford vehicles.
  • The X-Plan: Designed to benefit more than just immediate family members; it allows eligible employees to sponsor friends, neighbours or other relatives. The sponsored individual can then purchase new ford cars at a lower price than what they would have paid had they not been sponsored, but the discount is not as deep as that of the A-Plan.
  • The Z-Plan: This plan is meant for selected partner companies’ employees only; its features are similar to those of X-plan with regard to eligibility requirements and vehicle discounts offered. However, specific details on percentage reduction may vary depending on partnering company among other factors such as volume commitment etcetera.
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Below is a table summarizing this information:

PlanEligibilityDiscount LevelSponsorship
A-PlanFord salaried & hourly employees, retirees, surviving spousesHighest discount (close to dealer invoice)N/A
X-PlanSponsored by eligible Ford employeeModerate discountYes
Z-PlanEmployees of select partner companiesDiscount varies depending on partnerN/A

Pros and Cons:

It’s worth noting some limitations although there are many benefits associated with ford employee discount program:

  • Restrictions on vehicle selection: Some models or special editions may be limited due to high demand;
  • Program availability: Over time discounts and plan specifics can change thus it is important to stay updated.
  • Dealer participation:  Not all dealerships may take part in the program; therefore, it is advisable to check if they are involved before you go.
  1. Present Your PIN and Documentation:  At a participating dealership, you should expect to give your valid PIN and any required documentation that supports your eligibility (e.g., employment ID, proof of relationship for family/friends under X-Plan).
  2. Negotiate the Deal:  The employee discount does provide a large advantage, but it doesn’t remove the need for negotiation.  Start with your PIN and work out an agreement with the dealership that benefits both parties.

Putting it All Together: Examples and Scenarios

Let’s consider some actual examples in order to illustrate how you can benefit from the Ford employee discount program:

  • John is a Ford Employee:  John qualifies for A-Plan pricing and wants to buy a new F-150 truck. The model he wants has a dealer invoice price of $45,000. With his A-Plan discount, John might be able to get it for close to $45k MSRP which could save him thousands.
  • Sarah has a Ford Employee Sponsor:  Sarah is interested in purchasing a new Mustang. Her brother works at Ford so he gives her an X-Plan PIN number to use when she visits the dealership. Although not quite as deep as an A-Plan discount, this will still significantly reduce what she pays compared against standard MSRP.
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These are just two possible scenarios; actual savings will depend on many factors such as vehicle type & trim level chosen, plan used (A vs X), etc., plus each person’s own bargaining skills.

Remember: What matters most is the fact that there is indeed an opportunity through which you can take advantage of lower prices at the time when buying another car from them again – namely by availing oneselfs with discounted rates given exclusively towards current & past employees or their immediate families within one year after termination thereof provided.


In conclusion of What Is Ford Employee Discount Called? The Ford employee discount program, known as the “Ford X-Plan,” offers eligible employees and their families an excellent opportunity to purchase or lease Ford vehicles at discounted prices. This program underscores Ford’s commitment to its workforce and their loved ones, providing an attractive incentive while also fostering brand loyalty. Whether you’re a Ford employee or a family member, taking advantage of the Ford X-Plan can lead to significant savings on your next vehicle purchase, making it a valuable perk worth exploring.

A Letter from Sophia Nguyen

Hey, I'm Sophia Nguyen, your dedicated ally at myFordBenefits. With a background in human resources and a passion for employee satisfaction, I'm committed to ensuring your experience with myFordBenefits is efficient and effective.

Whether you're a Ford employee exploring retirement plans or a retiree managing health benefits, rely on me to provide the assistance you need. From accessing discounts to tracking your retirement portfolio, I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Thank you for choosing myFordBenefits, and I'm eager to help you navigate your Ford journey with confidence and ease.

Warm regards,
Sophia Nguyen